
Why the SCALE will never ever be my validation (again).

If you've paid any attention to the media hype in the last week, you may have heard the story about Biggest Loser contestant Rachel Fredrickson. In a short four and half months, Rachel went from 260 pounds to a little tiny 105 pounds. YES, she lost 155 pounds in such a short amount of time. 
I think many people don't realize that this is a game show to win a prize of $250,000 (along with striving to lose weight and become healthy). As much as I love a good life changing story, I also do realize $250,000 is a life changing amount of money for a 24 year old girl. I can only hope and pray that this girl lost that much weight to win the prize and will put a little more weight on to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Hopefully she will also know that the scale shouldn't be her validation, nor should what people say (negative or positive) about her.

I can remember 5 years ago when my life was completely validated by the number on the scale. It would make or break my day based on what the scale said. YIKES.

 It wasn't until I unexpectedly became pregnant with my first son, that I  realized couldn't control my weight because I had a person living inside of me. It freaked me out to see the numbers on the scale increase with every doctor appointment. For the first time, the scale couldn't be my validation. That was a huge turning point in my life. I freaked out wondering if I could ever get in shape post baby, and I did, only to get pregnant again with my second son. Due to those pregnancies, I was able to go beyond the physical and learn that it didn't matter what the scale said. You want to know why:

1.) I'm a Child of God
 HECK YES!!! I learned that I am made in the image of God. I've always known this, but it wasn't until I was given children that I really understood this. GOD doesn't make junk. Every person he makes is unique. So with every "flaw" you have, you were created beautiful.  Knowing and having faith that goes beyond the physical helped me completely grow in this area of my life.
Psalm 139:14 I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well.

2.) Being a Wife
Being a wife has showed me that I don't only have myself to worry about anymore. The minute I said "I do", we became one forever. If I don't love myself, how could my husband? The number on the scale became a small little detail of our lives.

3.) Being A Mother
Do you know the amazingness (and of course hectic-ness) that comes along with being a mother? The responsibility is greater than anything because we are the ones shaping these children for life. They model what they see. Because of these boys, I was able to face a fear of seeing the scale number. They don't realize it, but because of those pregnancies, I was able to realize so much about myself. There is no time for a scale to validate me when I'm busy being super-mom. Can I get an amen mamas? 

Want to know the key to a healthy and balanced life? It's consistency. I don't weigh myself often at all. I love leading a healthy life based on eating well, being happy and exercising regularly. That is what makes me feel good and motivates me. I have never felt more free and self- confident now that the bondage of validation from a scale has moved out of my life! PEACE OUT scale. Ain't nobody got time for that. 

Knowing that you are more than a number and striving to lead a healthy life is really what matters most.


Elizabeth Marie said...

Love this post! I don't own a scale at the moment. I was JUST thinking today that I should weigh myself more and almost bought a scale!...and here you write a post about this exact subject. To be honest, now is not the time for me to check my weight. I am already aggravated at myself for being so lazy this winter!...the scale would just make me feel worse. Haha. My brother in law used to be a personal trainer and he always told his clients not to weigh themselves. He said the way your clothes feel, the way you feel matters more than what the scale says. Thanks for your encouraging post. It's what I needed to hear this evening. Blessing to you! :)

Unknown said...

My mother found a lot of help in this post so I thank you!
This also helped her out tremendously!