
I'm in Love...


I'm IN LOVE. I really em.
 I have fallen seriously hardcore in love. No matter where I go, I can't seem to shake it. I talk about it, I do it....I have been bitten by the YOGA bug.
I know I have mentioned before how yoga is good for you, but I'm addicted more than ever and have been reaping the benefits of the awesomeness of this practice post baby number 2.
 Here are just some of the reasons I feel like I have benefited from yoga:
1. Mind & Body
Yoga teaches you to strengthen your mind. You use your breath to control your body. You learn to become less reactive. Not only are you strengthening your body, but you are learning to strengthen your mind as well. You will feel less stressed and more energized. I PROMISE!!!
2. It's YOUR practice
Yoga meets YOU where YOU are. There are so many types of yoga, and it is just a matter of finding the right class for you. Yoga can be for all ages, all levels of fitness. You make yoga YOUR own when you are on your mat. That is what is so inspiring about this practice.
3. YOU will get STRONGER
Yoga is not just stretching. It takes strength and flexibility. The more you practice, the stronger and more flexible you will become. You will be using your body weight to hold poses. You will notice you start to use muscles you didn't even know existed....and start to see and feel the change in your body.
4. It's FUN
Yes, I'm obsessed. There is nothing more rewarding than when you lift into a pose that requires concentration and strength. I come home from class so excited to show my husband what I have achieved. Sure, he may not be as excited as me...but he at least will admit some of the poses are pretty darn cool!
5. Helps build YOUR body (back)
After giving birth, I have had to fight to get my core back. Having two children back to back has made it a little more challenging to get the weight off the second time around. Yoga has helped me re-gain my pre- baby core.
There are so many types of yoga, I seem to always gear towards a Hot Vinyasa flow when I practice. Find a class that you like. Find an instructor who inspires you.
That hour on my mat is where I find my quiet time....where I find prayer with God.
Truthfully, yoga has changed my life.....I'm a crazy yogi!
I hope you feel inspired to just try.......you may fall in love too!

Alicia XOXO

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