
Fitness in Your 3rd Trimester

...36 weeks Pregnant...

When I was pregnant with my first son, I made sure I stayed active. Fitness has always been a passion of mine and being fit has always been a top priority. Early on in my first pregnancy, I gave up my runs and traded them in for the elliptical, bike riding and weights. It was really hard for me to give up my runs, but since it was my first pregnancy I was nervous to continue running. This time around I have stayed active with my runs the whole way through. Running makes me feel good, and I know my body well enough to know when to stop.

Now that I am literally weeks away from my due date, I will be first to admit that it has gotten harder to run. My legs want to go, but my belly is getting to the point where it is a bit heavy! I find myself doing more of what I call a walk/jog. I alternate between a jog and a power walk.
Getting some exercise is crucial for me to feel good. My rib cage is feeling the pressure of the  baby, and by stretching and staying active it helps with that.

I find myself needing to stretch several times throughout the day, and it really has helped with any aches and pains I may have. I understand not everyone may be able to stay active their whole way through their pregnancy, but for me it is a necessity so I feel better.

Since the weather has been so beautiful, I have been running outside in my neighborhood. It's really cute because I live in SUCH a friendly little place, that neighbors I have never met before cheer me on. One older gentleman in particular happens to always be outside when I'm out for a run and is always really supportive and says, "You're still at it, eh?".

So even if you aren't preggo, get out there and get active.....you will feel awesome!

Have a lovely Monday! Xoxo

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